Thursday, March 5, 2015

Stages of Gaining Confidence

Confidence is something that everyone strives to have. I think it is the biggest thing that any 20 year old girl struggles with. I like to think I have the confidence that everyone strives to have. I mean, I am not one to really care what people think of me, so I am one to do anything. Want me to march up to someone and say something to them for you? Sure. Want me to go ask that guy out? Why not, what do I have to lose? I think that being confident is being able to be yourself. To be able to do what you want and not have a fear of rejection. In relationships confidence is some thing that both parties should have. Both people need to be confident within their own lives in order to be confident with each other.
I think that confidence comes in stages. I think there are 3 main stages of what brings confidence to a person. Here is my take on those stages:
1) Accepting Yourself:
I think that the first stage of gaining confidence is to be able to accept yourself. I think that accepting yourself is hard within itself. I am the first to admit that I am insecure with certain things about myself. I feel like my personality is very loud and out there, because of this I get insecure that it will scare people away. I think that being able to accept your insecurities is key. You may never overcome them, or be able to shed them completely. However, you can accept them. You can accept yourself. You are perfect just the way you are. You are the best version of you out there. I think that this is something that everyone needs to realize. There is no one out there that is you, or better than you, or worse than you. There is only one you. Once you are able to accept yourself then you will have amazing confidence within yourself.
2) Accepting Others:
The next step is to accept other people. You will need to accept what they look like. You can't just judge them by their cover. This kills people's confidence and you wouldn't want anybody to kill your newly found confidence. I think that you have to be able to get to know people. You have to get to know their personality. I think that someone else's personality says a lot about them. I am not saying you have to be best friends with them, but once you get to know more people, you learn a lot of people's stories. This is something that is important. The more people you know, the more stories you learn, the more you see the world. This helps build your confidence and theirs. You are building your confidence because you are learning that it is okay to be insecure about certain things, but it doesn't mean those insecurities have to hold you back. You learn through other people's stories that they weren't held back. You help build their confidence because you are there to listen to them. You are there to reassure them, to get to know them, this could help fix some of their insecurities. I think that once you get the chance to accept other people you will find more confidence in yourself and the good in yourself.
3) Accepting Opinions:
The final stage of gaining confidence is to accept the opinions of others. The opinions of others are usually what kills confidence. I think that if everyone just kept their opinion to themselves, then people wouldn't have to be searching for confidence. That isn't the case though. Instead, you have people telling their opinions to everyone. These opinions are what hurts someone. That famous saying words kill is very much real. Words do kill, maybe not literally, but they do kill someone's confidence. You have to learn to not let opinions of others get to you. That is the key to having killer confidence. I mean, I know, it isn't as easy as it seems. We are always looking to please other people and make sure their opinion of us is a goods one. But in reality, is it really bad if someone doesn't like us? If someone thinks of us one way? No, it really isn't. In all honesty, the opinion of one person, two people, ten people, even a hundred people, means nothing in the end. As long as you have the confidence yourself, that is all that matters. You have to realize that you have to have a good group of friends, accept others, and a good mindset of yourself, accepting yourself, in order to accept other's opinions. Don't let what someone says get to you, it isn't the end of the world.
In the end confidence isn't that hard to achieve. It is all about how you view yourself. It is all about how you view others. And it is all about how you handle other people's opinions of you. I think that everybody can find confidence in themselves. It may be difficult, but everyone can accomplish it. The three stages of gaining confidence are only my opinion. They are what has helped me achieve the killer confidence that I have. I think that it can help other people achieve the confidence they are struggling to find. So just remember, it doesn't matter what other people think of you, just remember it is what you think of yourself and others. You just have to identify and try to accept your insecurities in order to start the move to gaining confidence in your life.

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